Jak jsme slavili Evropský den jazyků

Rada Evropy dělá v celé Evropě maximum pro to, aby se 800 milionů Evropanů, kteří žijí v jejích 47 členských státech, více učilo cizí jazyky v jakémkoli věku, a to jak ve škole, tak i mimo ni. A tak jsme i my přispěli svojí troškou k podnícení mladých studentů gymnázia ve Valšaském Meziříčí k aktivnějšímu občanství a využití možností, které nám nabízí program Erasmus+.

O cestování a dobrovolnické práci pro mladé lidi přijeli studentům povědět naši 4 evropští dobrovolníci. Sylvain z Francie, Karl z Německa, Cristi z Rumunska a Mohamed Attia z Itále.

Článek o jejich návštěvě v češtině si můžete přečíst na webu Vlašského Gymnázia.

A jak tento den prožili naši dobrovolníci?

During our last visit to Přerov, we met Vítězslav, a high school student who participated in several youth exchanges. He kindly invited us to his school to share our experience as volunteers for his presentation of Erasmus+.

So it was after a freezing morning wake-up that we took the first train at 4am to Františka Palackého High School in the city of Valašské Meziříčí.

We were welcomed in the pretty library which also serves as the teachers‘ room, and after a coffee we were dispatched to different classes.

We had the opportunity to talk about our experience: how we learned about the EVS, what procedures we took, what our motivations were, and most importantly how things are going for us now.

The young people, quite shy, seemed more or less receptive depending on their age, between 14 and 17 years old, but this has been done very well thanks to the teachers who have been very interested and questioning.

The aim was really to convince them to participate in these Eramus + projects and in particular in the youth exchanges that target their age group. And we think it was a success after the speech of Vítě and ourselves in front of a 60 students‘ group at the end of the morning. To testify to this, the leaflets made available have all been taken!